No One Is Using Your Conference App – Try This Event App Alternative

As a conference producer, you know how crazy event days are. From dawn to dusk, you and your team are constantly moving from one urgent task to another, making sure everyone’s happy. From managing check-in to putting out fires to answering the same questions over and over, it’s a lot. Then, when you finally have a quiet moment to sit down, you have an overflowing inbox to deal with. You’ve provided the answers in your “know before you go” emails and invested in a conference app. Why isn’t anyone reading? It’s enough to make you scream. 

You’ve tried adding more channels like Facebook and Instagram to connect with people where they are, but that just means more work to manage. More staff would be great, but there’s no budget for that and the day-of temp staff you hire aren’t super motivated to study and learn all the answers. 

The solution is one perfect, tireless, hard-working team member. Meet your personalized ConferenceBot.

Better Than a Conference App or Event App

42Chat is the leader, using Conversational A.I. and text to help all kinds of events go smoothly — from trade shows and conferences to festivals and tournaments and even weddings. These bots can provide instant answers to attendee questions any time of the day or night. Unlike a human, a bot can respond to literally thousands of attendee questions at the same time. It works for events of any size from as few as twenty people to 100,000+.

The best part is that your attendees will actually use it. Unlike a typical event app that takes forever to find, download, sign in to and navigate, all they need is their cell phone and the bot’s phone number. There’s nothing to download. No scrolling or clicking. And nothing new to learn. It’s as easy as texting their question, phrased however they like, into their text app. The A.I. does the rest, instantly delivering the right information with 95% accuracy.

The bots are personalized and can have a unique name, avatar, and voice that aligns with the conference’s brand. Users love the fun responses (and emojis), which drives even more engagement.

Does that sound too good to be true? Well, let’s see how it looks from an attendee’s perspective. Let’s call the attendee Jerry and your conference’s bot Sam.


TW Brand Generic + Correct Response CTA (B)

Before the Conference

Sam is live well before the event is live, helping to answer the questions that would normally flood your inbox in the weeks leading up to the event. 

During registration, Sam might respond to questions about where the event is being held, which hotel, and what’s on the agenda. If Jerry is a parent, he might ask if he can bring a child. Sam can provide an instant response.

He’ll be so impressed that the next question will be “How do I register?” Sam can help with that, too.

Conference Days

Here’s where Sam, your favorite team member, will really shine. As Jerry and all the other attendees descend on the venue, Sam sends a link to each attendee’s personal QR code to speed through check-in (before Jerry thinks to ask) and answers questions like “Where do I park?” and “What’s the wifi” so you have more time to help the opening speaker, who’s hopelessly lost somewhere downtown.

Meanwhile, your exhibitors are getting ready for what they hope will be a profitable day of new leads and renewed connections. Jerry wants to reconnect with an exhibitor he liked last year. He asks Sam if they’re back and discovers that they are. Sam even gives Jerry a map showing their booth location. Of course, attendees aren’t your only “customers.” Exhibitors have questions too and are a critical source of revenue. Every ConferenceBot provides general answers for your exhibitors, but for a more custom VIP solution, our ExhibitorBot might be the answer to keep them coming back show after show.

After the Conference

The conference is over, and you breathe a sigh of relief while patting your team on the back. Your day-of temp staff are gone, but Sam is ready for more. She’s ready to answer questions like “What are the dates for next year’s conference?” and “Who was that keynote speaker again?”

Oh, did we mention that Sam can allow you to engage directly with attendees and exhibitors?? Share your show highlight reel via text and track every clickthrough to see who engages with you. Instead of sending your post-event survey through email, let Sam do it via text message and double or triple your response rate. 

Can your conference app do that?

Discover How a Chatbot Can Offer Real Support – While Cutting Costs!

TW Revenue Rebel + Supply Side West CTA

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