Swap Your Festival App for a Personalized (and Fun) A.I. Chatbot

Festival organizing is one of those jobs that your mom and friends think is all excitement and glamour. They envy the hobnobbing and backstage access (which is great) but they don’t see the huge amount of work that goes into it. Sure, you technically got to meet the Red Hot Chili Peppers (for three seconds), but you mostly got to know their people and spent their whole set stressing about the pyrotechnics and answering questions about who’s serving vegan food.

When the show starts, you deserve more time enjoying the show and less time answering the same question over and over again. The way to get there is by taking the million little questions off your and your team’s plates. If your website, emails, festival app, and social channels aren’t delivering that relief, the solution might be artificial intelligence.

More Fun (or Edgy) Than Your Festival Event App

FestivalBot is your ticket to instant answers and personalized connection for your event. It’s an SMS-based chatbot that can respond to millions of attendee questions instantly and at scale (it could even handle Bonnaroo’s 80,000+ festivalgoers). 42Chat is the leader in Conversational A.I. chatbots over text with a proven 95%+ correct response rate across bots made for all kinds of events, so you can count on those answers being right. 

Our bots aren’t just accurate, they’re way more fun to use than your festival app. We’ve won countless awards for conversation design and innovation by giving each bot a unique name and personality for a powerful extension of your brand. Do you love emojis? So can your bot🙌. Does your brand have some edge? Your bot’s voice can too🤘. We customize for any type of event, whether it’s a festival, conference, or wedding.

There’s so much this bot can do. Read on to see how it might look from a festivalgoer’s point of view. Let’s call her Margo and your bot Hendrix.

TW Engagement Eve + Ambassadors CTA (A)

Before the Festival

Consider Hendrix a part of your core year-round team. Answer a few questions about your festival and your personalized bot can be live and ready to support your fans. Once that’s done, all you need to do is share Hendrix’s phone number or QR code with your audience, and he’ll get right to work.

The first thing Margo might ask is who’s on the lineup. Hendrix could respond with “This lineup is so metal” and send a link to a searchable, filterable list of your acts. When she sees her favorite Swedish doom metal band, she’ll definitely want tickets. Hendrix can help her with that, too.

During the Festival

Hendrix is really going to shine once Margo’s combat boots hit the dirt. Your team gets pretty sick of pointing people to the water, right? Imagine how much more time they’d have if Margo (and everyone else) just asked Hendrix. He’ll say, “You don’t need to wander in darkness, here’s a map.” When Margo asks about food vendors, she’ll get a list and say, “Tacos! Sweet.”

Did we mention that just like real human texting the conversation works both ways? Hendrix can blast out information. Margo will definitely want to know about the early-bird access to your limited supply of backstage passes. Later, Hendrix will read her mind and say, "Don't want to carry your merch around all day? Get it delivered by placing an online order for this year's festival poster, t-shirt, or your favorite artist’s latest release on vinyl. Shop here…" Then, when Margo is sad the festival is almost over, Hendrix can share a sign-up link to receive notifications as soon as tickets for 2023 go on sale.

These push messages will be delivered to Margo instantly, with a 98%+ open rate. And when you really have to reach your guests, perhaps if there were an actual emergency like a pyrotechnics mishap, Hendrix is ready to go to work.

After the Festival

Margo lives for your festival and getting to the end is bittersweet. With Hendrix, the relationship doesn’t have to end. They’ll stay in each other’s contact lists all year, keeping that channel open (she probably won’t delete it, like her other event app). 

If you know Margo would love a similar festival that’s happening next month, or one of your artists will be in her hometown in the fall, let her know about it. Same goes when you lock down your next dates. And if you let Hendrix know whenever you book another act or vendor, Margo will be pleasantly surprised when she starts dreaming about next year and asks Hendrix, “What’s new?”

Looking to Upgrade From Your Event App? Let's Talk Chatbots. 

TW Brand Generic + Open Rate CTA

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