BizBash: What Happened When We Used an Event Chatbot

By BizBash

BizBash Background:

In March of 2017, BizBash, a leading events industry company, came to 42Chat to discuss exactly "what is a chatbot" – and see how an EventBot could solve several business issues.

The event was a one-day trade show that included workshops, a Main Stage and multiple social event components, such as pre- and post-parties and education lounges. BizBash had previously utilized event apps and wanted to experience an alternate solution—like a chatbot—enhance the attendee experience while reducing costs and improving the accessibility of information to attendees.

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Business Challenges:

The leaders of the event identified four key opportunities for improvement and the criteria for success:

  1. Provide improved logistical support for the event. That support had to be less expensive and more effective than just adding bodies.
  2. Provide easier access to the agenda and schedule information and provide a way to communicate the answers to frequently asked questions. The new system had to be easy to use and had to increase overall utilization.
  3. Provide a solution that did not require development time or expertise by BizBash team and could be seamlessly integrated into existing processes and systems, such as the registration platform.
  4. Provide detailed statistical monitoring and support. As a leader in customer experience, BizBash required that every single question in the system had to be open for analysis and scrutiny, which enabled responses to be modified and adjusted based on real-time user experience.

Want to Enhance Your Attendee Experience? Learn How in Our Audience Engagement E-Book.

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