In today's fast-paced business landscape, many organizations are turning to artificial intelligence (A.I.) to enhance communication and provide more personalized experiences. And they’re finding that they get some of the greatest impact from chatbots designed to deliver instant, automated responses to user inquiries. In fact, whether for customer service, membership engagement, event management or more, chatbots are becoming essential to modern organizations.
But –not all A.I. chatbots work the same way or offer the same reliability. While some are built to deliver consistent, structured answers, others dynamically generate responses, which can lead to inconsistencies. This makes understanding the difference between curated and generative A.I. crucial when choosing a chatbot solution that aligns with your organization’s needs.
What Is a Chatbot?
Let's first take a look at what a chatbot is and how it works. A chatbot is an A.I. powered tool designed to deliver instant, automated responses to user questions. Whether through SMS, web or app based communication, chatbots are becoming indispensable across many industries. They can handle repetitive tasks, delivering real-time information and freeing up human staff for more complex responsibilities.
For organizations, chatbots can be game-changers. They enhance communication and guarantee that stakeholder audiences get the information they need, exactly when they need it.
But it’s important to understand the difference between a curated A.I. chatbot and a generative A.I. chatbot. Curated A.I. chatbots use A.I. to extract the need from a question and deliver a pre-defined and approved response. Generative A.I. chatbots, on the other hand, also extract the need – but they “generate” a unique response based on the model’s training, which means their answers are constantly changing, and you can’t guarantee they’re correct.
You can think of curated A.I. chatbots as super-smart team members who are trained to respond exactly the way you want, every time. They are precise, reliable and secure – and your valuable data is protected within a closed-loop system. In contrast, think of generative A.I. chatbots as improvisational storytellers who can create narratives and handle unstructured tasks – but are prone to errors and hallucinations. Plus, your data is used in their training.
Curated A.I. chatbots are your best option when facts matter and you need a more than 95% correct response rate.
How Organizations Are Using Chatbots
Managing large-scale events, handling customer inquiries, or streamlining operations means balancing multiple tasks all at once. This is where chatbots come in. Organizations are using A.I.-powered chatbots to enhance efficiency and improve engagement in several areas, including the following:
- Answering FAQs in real time
- Sending reminders about deadlines, meetings or events
- Personalizing communication for stakeholder audiences
For example, one organization implemented a chatbot to assist with a major event. The results were impressive:
- The chatbot automatically handled nearly 30,000 inquiries, keeping 11,600 users engaged while reducing wasted time for the event team.
- With almost 4,000 hours of phone calls and nearly 2,500 hours of emails eliminated, staff could focus on high-impact tasks instead of repetitively answering the same questions.
- Most importantly, 1,847 hours of real-time A.I. support translated to zero delays and not a single missed message.
Attendees could ask the bot anything from, "Where do I park?" to, "What time does registration open?" The result was a smoother experience for attendees and a more efficient event team.
User feedback reinforced the chatbot’s value, with participants praising its ease of use and responsiveness. And with a 95% accurate response rate, attendees got the right answers they needed – exactly when they needed them.
The Future of Chatbots in Organizations
In the future, we can expect chatbots to continue evolving, playing an even bigger role in how organizations communicate and operate. Ultimately, the key to success is using A.I. responsibly. By choosing curated A.I. solutions, organizations can make sure their chatbots provide safe and effective interactions – without the uncertainty that comes with generative models.
From event support to customer service and membership engagement, chatbots have already proven themselves invaluable. But as A.I. technology advances, organizations must be cautious about the type of A.I. they deploy. Investing in curated A.I. today means reduced risk and a safer chatbot experience for tomorrow –protecting your brand both now and well into the future.