TW Test Blog

National Sports Forum and Opening a Channel Your Fanbase Wants to Use

Written by 42Chat | Feb 28, 2022 7:00:00 AM

Apps get deleted, emails get ignored, and social media posts get lost in the whim of what’s trending right now.

So, how do you open a channel that your fanbase wants to use?  How do you open a channel  you can leverage to drive the ticket sales, merchandising, and the health / emergency communications you require just to open the gates to the stadium?  That is the business problem facing sports executives in today’s crowded communication marketplace. 

The National Sports Forum is known for not only amazing events, but also sharing game changing innovations to help solve business problems.  In this case, NSF has the same problems its attendees do:  NSF needs to keep their attendees safe, provide answers to attendee questions, and quickly and easily engage when it matters most. 

Introducing “Jada”, NSF’s newest team member.  Jada is an A.I. conversation over text created by 42Chat, a former NSF Tech Tank award winner, and is trained to respond in seconds to important customer service questions about the event.  Jada works to keep everyone safe by easily and quickly capturing vaccine upload documents (and can even be used for daily symptom screening).  In an emergency, Jada can step in and quickly communicate critical information and respond to other important needs.   Jada works 24/7, never taking a minute off, and gets smarter over time, with true 2-way engagement.

Most importantly, Jada works with a simple text.   With 98% open rates, 40%+ click rates, and a channel that is always open, Jada is the perfect solution for NSF and for its attendees looking to build, own, and engage their fan community.  

After the event, Jada will be around to respond to post-event questions, gather feedback and stay connected by sharing insights, inspiration and content for the impressive NSF community.  You can also expect timely reminders about key NSF dates and thoughtfully targeted content - all delivered in the text channel you use every single day.   

To learn more about how you can use Conversational A.I. and text to solve business problems, visit us here and Let’s Chat!